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Writer's pictureHeidi McLain

8 Ways to Increase Physical Touch When Single

Being single (with or without kids) often brings up a ton of emotions— loneliness, grief and maybe even a little uncertainty about the future. One thing that can really help our mental health, mindset, and the healing process is the power of physical touch.

Physical touch is great for boosting our mood, boosting immunity, reducing stress, and increasing feelings of connection and safety. As singles though it's often tough to incorporate touch while navigating this chapter of life...and so we need to be intentional about incorporating touch into our daily lives.

Here are a few friendly ideas of ways to increase physical touch in our day-to-day single lives:

1. Hug it Out: There is great power in a good hug! Especially 20 seconds or longer. One night when I was feeling especially lonely, I intentionally went to a church event and hugged on about 20 women friends while there. I needed those offering hugs to loved ones was a great way to receive them. A heartfelt hug will absolutely lift your spirits.

2. Join a Class: Consider signing up for a dance class that requires a partner (Latin, Country Swing, Ballroom, Etc). Being single again and as an empty nester, I have had an absolute blast learning how to Country Swing. It's something I look forward to every week and it's great exercise!

3. Get a Massage: This is a great self-care practice for relieving stress while incorporating touch into your life! This is a game changer. It relieves pain, helps you relax, boosts immunity and feeling that human touch is soothing even if it's only a 15 minute chair massage.

4. Pet Therapy: Playing with and petting a furry friend can be incredibly soothing and also brings love into your life. If you don't have your own I highly encourage pet sitting for friends, going to a dog park with your friends who have a dog or going to a cat cafe. It will bring a calming energy to you and put a smile on your face.

5. Connect with Friends: Go to or plan a casual get-together with friends. (Like a game night or watch party.) A simple touch, like a playful nudge and even a friendly handshake, can make a difference.

7 Benefits to Physical Touch

6. Volunteer: There are a lot of opportunities to serve others right now. Volunteering is good for the soul and others. Helping others often comes with opportunities for supportive touch and connection.

7. Cuddle with Your Kids: If you have kids create cozy moments with your children—have movie nights, watch TikTok videos, or read books snuggled up together.. It’s a great way to bond and increase your touch quota.

There are cuddle therapists that facilitate healthy, consensual cuddling. I was skeptical and nervous but attended one a friend of mine held. It was strangely relaxing and healing.

Give yourself permission to have more touch in your life. It is more than okay to seek fact it's necessary for resilience! We deserve healing and connection and physical touch is a great way to achieve that!

I'd love to hear some of your favorite ways you've connected through touch!

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